Bringing Psychological Insight and Emotional Knowledge into the Public Domain, FREE of Charge
Books to Empower and Inspire Conscious Living

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Launched in June 2017 as a Free Public Resource, the A-Z of Emotional Health online library is dedicated to changing attitudes
towards all aspects of Mental Health and Wellness, bringing Knowledge and Resources into the public domain completely free of charge.
Jenny Florence is a Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker and a Counsellor with over 27 years of experience in Accredited Private Practice.
Drawing on both personal and professional experience she has a unique ability to talk about the complexities of our mind and emotions in a language that is accessible and without jargon.
"There are a wealth of resources available to us that can help us to navigate life from a position of empowerment and awareness...
If we can only open our mind to this possibility."
Jenny Florence Introduces the Library and explains why she is so open to a diverse range of knowledge, skills and awareness to support our Mental Wellness
and Emotional Health.
Science is increasingly demonstrating links to alternative approaches of help and support, including many potential avenues of help in the area of our Mental Health. Over the years both in my own life and in a professional capacity I have come across a great many alternative resources that support our ability to remain strong and resilient at times of difficulty and stress.
This Library is an ever growing resource that shares some of the varied ways of working that have not only supported me but have enabled me to support many, many people in the course of their own journey through crisis and challenge into health and wellness.
My heartfelt and deepest appreciation goes to all who have who have shared
a part of their journey with me, showing me, time and again, that when we find
the courage to own our vulnerabilities with honesty, compassion and a deep desire and commitment to create change from within, not only do we emerge
with new hopes and dreams, but that with knowledge and awareness,
we can develop the skills and attitudes that enable us to step into our fullest potential, becoming far more than we may once have ever dared to imagine.
Why "EMOTIONAL" Health?
"Mental Health and Wellness is never just about our state of mind, it is also about the way that we feel!
Our mental health is underpinned by the way that we feel emotionally.
Our mind and our emotions affect one another, and in turn, both are deeply affected by our life circumstances at any given time.
It is not uncommon for people to struggle to talk about their feelings and to make sense of them.
The more knowledge that we have, the more able we are to make sense of what's going on for us, both internally and externally...
and far more importantly, what we can each do to process these experiences, and to move through them, and beyond them,
becoming a more whole and complete, thriving human being in the process."
Jenny Florence is the Founder and Creator of the A-Z of Emotional Health Library.
"I am continually in awe of our human capacity to grow beyond that which has caused, and indeed may still be causing us difficulty. We cannot change our past but we can change our relationship to our past, and in doing so, we create change within our present, which in turn then changes the shape of our future.
The mission and intention of this Library is to create a resource that shares the knowledge and information needed to develop the necessary skills to create a life of personal empowerment in which the past can be laid to rest, no longer a burden, but a source of the richness that comes to us when we are able to navigate through and beyond our present difficulties.
Stepping out of the Box!!
It is also our intention to explore and raise awareness of all avenues of potential healing that can support us in overcoming any
life challenges, past, present or future, that might block us from reaching our fullest potential, contributing not only to
our own development, but to the well-being of a collective humanity."
Jenny Florence
Jenny's books explore the complexities of our mind and emotions in a language that is accessible to both professionals and lay people alike.
Drawing on both personal and professional experience, Jenny illustrates and gives meaning to complex psychological principles,
beautifully combining the conceptual knowledge of emotional intelligence with practical and pragmatic application.
Within her books the reader will discover a real and significant opportunity for the development of emotional literacy and personal growth.
Her Annual Moon Diary and Journal beautifully integrate emotional and psychological knowledge with astrological information to connect your ongoing personal growth and development with the cycles of the natural world.

The 2025 Diary is available in four Global Locations with timings for each region.
eBooks for numerous locations are available from the Moon Magic Store.

When you Learn to Listen to Yourself, to be Present to your Real experience, able to Reflect and Respond with Compassion and Kindness, you will become fully available to Listen, not only to Others but to Life Itself.
A Life-Changing Read!
When you Learn the Language of Your Emotions, no longer Re-active and Emotionally driven, your Mind and Emotions collaborate in a Powerful Relationship that supports all aspects of your Well-being.
A Must Read for anyone who has ever experienced
Emotional Overload!
Some of the links on this page links may contain Amazon product referral links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. If you do decide to use the links, I am truly grateful. Thank you so much for checking out the Moon Magic Tarot Channel 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏